Thursday, December 16, 2010

Old age, A time of joy or Sadness!!!!!!!!

Old age, they say, is supposed to be the "Twilight" of our living years.  I guess thats something i need to cross check with ones hat have been abandoned by their so called " Loved Ones", or those that didnt have any loved ones at all. This Blog is actually a tribute to my Brother-Allan Besterwitch- who gave up his "Khooshy" job and even more "Khooshier" lifestyle to take care of these old " Aunties & Uncles". He's amazingly been doing this for the last 8-10 yrs i guess, Hats off to you Bro'. Having operated out of a rented place for so many years, he has now been able to buy land to build a home for the, " Aunties & Uncles" he takes care of, and a community hall where can have his school progrrams. This blog is actually to appeal to all of you that see this blog, to try and help him make this home for the Aged a reality, with what ever you think you can help with.  please pass the word around.
You may also speak to him: 09425314270
For more info and pictures you could see